Below you will find helpful links to your responsibilities as a site coordinator, as well as student tracking resources, WebAMP templates, and alternative funding ideas.
Site coordinator responsibilities and roles in RM-AMP
RM-AMP Level 1 (Direct) Participant Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible to receive direct funding from RM-AMP, students must:
- Be enrolled at a RM-AMP campus, in an NSF-approved STEM undergraduate degree program.
- Be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident (green card holder)
Listing of eligible CIP codes for NSF STEM classification
Participant Support Costs
Participant Tracking Resources
Example templates for student tracking:
WebAMP Data Collection Templates and Examples
LSAMP requires site coordinators at all partner institutions to submit yearly reports on LSAMP student enrollment, degree attainment, LSAMP-supported activities, and Level 1 Participants. This report is typically due in late fall following a July 1 – June 30 reporting period. WebAMP data is submitted here.
Example templates and data collection forms:
- Enrollment
- Degrees
- Example template of required information for WebAMP data collection on Level 1 students.
- Template for gathering yearly RM-AMP Activity data.
- All WebAMP forms.
Additional help on how to use WebAMP is available here.
High Impact Practices
- Collaborative assignments and projects
- Writing-intensive courses
- Common intellectual experiences
- Internships
- Capstone courses and projects
- First-year seminars and experiences
- Undergraduate Research
- Service Learning
- Community-based Learning
- Global learning/diversity
- Learning Communities