Interstate Passport Program at Adams State University
Transfer Support Services
About This Program
Accepts the Interstate Passport to satisfy general education requirements for our associate’s and bachelor’s degrees. Nationwide college transfer is made simpler with the Interstate Passport. Interstate Passport is a way for students to transfer courses from one institution to another. Rather than transferring your courses individually, earning a passport means all of your lower-division general education courses will be accepted as one block. Your passport will be valid at any network member institution to which you are admitted.
Student Characteristics
Open to All
Special Populations
Community College Transfer
African American/Black, Hispanic/Latino, Native American/American Indian, Pacific Islander, Alaskan Native, Asian, Caucasian/White, More than one ethnicity
Academic Requirements
Minimum GPA: No Minimum GPA
Year: Open to All
Must be majoring in: Science Major, Engineering Major, Math Major, Other