TRIO Student Support Services at Central Wyoming College
Academic Support Services, Transfer Support Services
About This Program
TRIO-Student Support Services (SSS) is an honorary program for students who are dedicated to their success as a student and offers multiple support services: 1) Academic advising, including registration, assistance in financial aid and scholarship process and support. 2) Personal counseling, success coaching, advocacy, time management and goal setting. 3) Special opportunities such as tutoring, transfer options, mentoring, equipment lending program, skills development and additional funds for qualifying students.
Student Characteristics
Female, Male
Open to All
Special Populations
Low Income, 1st Generation College Student, Students With Disabilities
African American/Black, Hispanic/Latino, Native American/American Indian, Pacific Islander, Alaskan Native, Asian, Caucasian/White, More than one ethnicity
Academic Requirements
Minimum GPA: No Minimum GPA
Year: Open to All
Must be majoring in: Science Major, Engineering Major, Math Major, Other