Save the Date: Introduction to ETAP, and Wildfire Research Funding Opportunities
LSAMP Community Meet-Ups: Introduction to ETAP
As the new fiscal year begins, the LSAMP Team is preparing for a very busy year leading up to the program’s PI/PD meeting in Spring 2023. Additional details on the LSAMP PI/PD meeting will be forthcoming in early 2023. Leading up to the PI/PD meeting, the team plans to provide quarterly “Meet-Ups” on various topics.
The first “Meet-Up” is scheduled for Thursday, October 20, 2022, from 2:00-4:00 P.M. ET. The topic is “An Introduction to ETAP, NSF’s Education and Training Application”. Registration is required. Project administrators and coordinators are invited to attend this session.
Future Meet-Ups will include participation from the community on best practice topics and impacts from supported projects or other topics of interest to the LSAMP community. The next Meet-Up will be scheduled for late January 2023.
All sessions include a Question & Answer session with the presenter and LSAMP team members.
New Funding Opportunity – Dear Colleague Letter (DCL 22-122)
NSF calls for Planning Proposals for Advancing Inclusive Wildland Fire Science
Wildland fire is a prevalent phenomenon, posing both benefits and risks. To begin to address the complex issues posed by wildland fires, the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) recently published a Dear Colleague Letter (NSF 22-122) titled Planning Proposals to Catalyze Innovative and Inclusive Wildland Fire Science through Diverse Collaborations calling for planning proposals that engage diverse stakeholders and rights holders in wildland fire science. Planning proposals should present innovative ideas and visions for advancing wildland fire research via diverse knowledge systems, including strategies for building human capital and organizational capacity in wildland fire knowledge and management.
Planning proposals can be submitted at any time but no later than May 31, 2023, for consideration during Fiscal Year 2023. Additional detailed instructions for submission are found in the DCL. Please note that PIs must obtain prior written approval before submitting a proposal in response to this DCL. Inquiries can be sent to
Two webinars will be hosted by NSF Program Officers about the DCL and to answer questions. These webinars will be held on Tuesday, October 18, 2022, at 1:00 P. M. (ET) and Wednesday, November 30, 2022, at 11:00 A. M. (ET).
A summary of the presentation will be available after the second webinar concludes.
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