The Society of Toxicology (SOT) would like to share with LSAMP students the opportunity to learn more about toxicology by attending special programs for undergraduate students at the SOT Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida, March 14–18, 2021.
Toxicologists address critical issues and make the world a healthier and safer place by studying the effects of physical, biological, and chemical agents on people, animals, and the environment. Many students who learn about the discipline of toxicology are excited about career opportunities that involve research and the potential to make a positive contribution to health and safety. More information on opportunities in toxicology can be found on the Undergraduate Programs flyer.
For students and faculty with research data to present, or educators with education abstracts, the Abstract Submission deadline is December 1. The undergraduate awards deadline is 11:59 pm ET October 26.
Undergraduate Diversity Program Student Awards
Travel support to attend the 3-day Undergraduate Diversity Program; sophomores and juniors preferred; eligibility criteria include at least one of the following: students from diverse backgrounds including groups underrepresented in the sciences, first generation college, or from a primarily undergraduate institution that does not confer graduate degrees in biomedical disciplines. For questions, contact Shalimar Juan.
Student Award Description and Application Materials
SOT Undergraduate Travel Award
Travel support for undergraduate students who have abstracts accepted for presentation at the 2021 SOT Annual Meeting. For questions, contact Betty Eidemiller.
Description and Application Materials
Annual Meeting Registration Waiver
Undergraduate students submit the Registration Form with a copy of their student ID via email to Jim Dailey, Meeting Registrar. For questions, contact Betty Eidemiller.
Undergraduate Education Program
A special program at the 2021 SOT Annual Meeting to introduce students to toxicology and graduate studies is open at no charge to undergraduates who register using the meeting registration form. For questions, contact Shalimar Juan.
Diversity Initiatives Endowment Career Development Award
Undergraduate and graduate students from groups underrepresented in the sciences can apply for the Diversity Initiatives Endowment Career Development Award for funding to attend educational opportunities for professional development. Be thinking of an activity that could benefit your career progression. Award applications are accepted at any time but no later than May 1, 2021. For questions, contact Shalimar Juan.
Regional Chapter Participation
In addition, most SOT Regional Chapters conduct fall meetings and many have poster awards and/or special activities for undergraduates. Check the Regional Chapter map for the Regional Chapter in your area and then the meeting calendar (filter=Regional Chapter) for their events. For questions, contact Betty Eidemiller.
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